

Digital Solutions

Transform your Business leveraging
Digital Technologies

We help you to digitize your data, digitalize your processes and transform your business digitally. Our digital solutions and digital platforms are designed to:

Digital Solutions


SAVE 40% of your Operational Costs using the Best Freight Forwarding ERP ever made.

Optimising your operations bottomline and going digital are important in sustaining and growing your business in spite of unforeseen market challenges. Elliptia, the best Freight Forwarding ERP, carefully designed after analyzing challenges and opportunities as a freight forwarder with a view to equipping you for sustained growth!

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We can help you to transform your freight forwarding operations digitally.

Key Features of Elliptia - ERP for Air Freight Forwarders & Sea Freight Forwarders:

Financial Services

New age Digital Platforms for Financial Services

Complete Digital Platform for financial and lifestyle needs of your customers.

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We can help with deploying digital platforms with digital customer experience for your financial services business.

Market Tested, Proven and Future Proof Solution

Key Features:


Ready to Deploy Digital Platforms for Insurance

End-To-End Digital Platforms for insurance products. Health Insurance and Motor/Car Insurance

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Market Tested, Proven and Future Proof Solution

Key Features:

Blockchain-Based Email

World's First Blockchain Email Service

Decentralized Mail Solution - is an immutable, truly private, completely secure, fully customizable, and cost-effective email service that will soon render the old ways of providing email service obsolete by leveraging the power of blockchain technology.

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Key Features:

Blockchain-Based Chat

Decentralized Blockchain Based Chat

A decentralized secured end-to-end encrypted Instant Messaging Solution. Completely integrated with the Blockchain Based Email Solution, enabling end-to-end encrypted instant messaging suitable for organizations looking for secured communication among their employees and ecosystem. This solution can be deployed on the organization’s own blockchain infrastructure.

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Key Features:

Thrive in the Digital Era

Modernize your systems and optimize your processes


Transition from analog to digital by digitizing the information


Improve the business processes by leveraging digital technologies


Transform your business. Digitally.